
Today's Callan

I don’t know if I’m coming or going

意味:I am confused (by so much that is happening)
常用例:I don’t know whether I’m coming or going
I’ve got so many problems and so much work to do that I just don’t know if I’m coming or going.

Conversation 1

A: How was your dinner party?

B: Oh, it was pretty good, but I had to cook for about fifteen people.

A: You’re joking, how did you manage?

B: It wasn’t too bad, but in the end I didn’t know if I was coming or going because everything was ready at the same time.

A: But was the food okay?

B: I think so, nobody said anything, but I think a few things were a little burnt.

A: ディナーパーティーはどうだった?

B: うん、結構良かったよ。でも約15人分の料理を作らなければならなかったの。

A: 本当に?どうやったの?

B: そんなに大変でもなかったけど、最後には全てを同時に作っていたから、訳わからなかった

A: でも、食べ物は大丈夫だった?

B: だったと思うよ。誰も何も言わなかったし。焦げたのも少しあったと思うけどね。

Conversation 2

A: What are you doing tonight?

B: Nothing at all, I have had a crazy day at work so I am going to go home and put my feet up.

A: Why was work so crazy?

B: We have had people off sick all week so we are all working twice as hard. Most of the time I don’t know if I’m coming or going because I am trying to do three jobs at once. I’m looking forward to the weekend.

A: Me too, and my week has been really dull!

A: 今日の夜は何するの?

B: 全然予定ないよ。仕事大変だったから、家に帰って休む。

A: なんで仕事そんなに大変だったの?

B: 一週間ずっと病欠の人達がいたから、皆2倍頑張らなくちゃならなかったんだ。いつも同時に三つの仕事をこなそうとしたので、ずっとしどろもどろになっていた。週末が待ち遠しくてね。


(Callan book4, Stage 8 750p)


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