Today's Callan



常用例:go brokeは 「破産した」という意味、つまり go bankrupt

go for broke 全財産を注ぎ込む、全力を尽くす

stony cold broke 一文無し


Mind one’s own business

意味:not to interfere with, or ask questions about, other people’s business or private life

類義語:none of your business

参考:It’s not my business. 私には関係ない


I was just walking down the road, minding my own business, when I was attacked by a mugger.

He asked me how old I was. I told him he should mind his own business

It’s my life. Mind your own business

Excuse me. Would you please mind your own business and stop staring?

couldn’t care less

if is of no important to [me]; it does not worry [me]

could care less [Mainly used in America]
don’t give a tinker’s damn
(I don’t give a tinker’s damn about your opinions, I’m doing it my way.)
don’t give a tinker’s cuss
(I don’t give a tinker’s cuss about your opinions, I’m doing it my way.)

She has lost her job, but she says she couldn’t care less, as she can easily find another.

I couldn’t care less about the editor’s opinion.

To be honest, I couldn’t care less about who becomes our next president.

Go round the bend

to be/become mentally confused or unable to act in a reasonable way

be round the bend, go round the bend, something(someone) drive someone round the bend

around the bend; crazy, flustered, frustrated, go mad, become mad

If I have any more problems on top of those I already have, I shall just go round.

I shall go round the bend with all this work

If I’d stayed there any longer I’d have gone round the bend.

Feel down in the dumps

be feeling very depressed and miserable

be down in the dumps
Be feeling down in the dumps

Feel down in the mouth
Feel low
Feel unhappy

Over the last few weeks I’ve been feeling rather down in the dumps.

What do you do when you feel down in the dumps?

I’ve been feeling down in the dumps ever since I lost my job.

What’s wrong with Mandy? She’s been looking a bit down in the mouth all day.

Get on one’s nerves

make one feel angry and nervous

annoy, irritate(irritate one’s nerve), bother、provoke

The noise those children make gets on my nerves.

There’s an insect buzzing around in my bedroom tonight, and it’s really getting on my nerves. (夜に私の部屋を飛び回る虫がいるから、本当に苛立つ。)

My younger sister gets on my nerves. I find her so annoying!

That loud music really gets on my nerves.

There were times when I got on her nerves and she got on mine.

I must say, his slow work always gets on my nerves.


a standing, partly or completely dead tree, a tree or a part of a tree that protrudes above the surface in a body of water. A snaggletooth, a break, pulls, or tears in fabric. A snag can be a small problem or disadvantage. In Australia a snag is a link sausage.
枝株、 沈み木、でっぱり、欠け歯、出っ歯、(衣服・靴下などの)かぎ裂き、 「思わぬ障害」と意味もあります。ちなみにオーストラリア英語では「ソーセージ」という意味もあります。「Let’s take snags and beer for BBQ.」

run into a snag, hit a snag, snag in the plan, strike a snag, come up against a snag

hitch, crimp, cropper, difficulty, disadvantage

There is a just one snag.

We did not realize at first how many snags there were in our plan.

The only real snag in the plan is financing.

Our plans for Patty’s surprise party hit a snag when we discovered she would be away that weekend.

Fed up

意味:sick and tired, and bored

Unable or unwilling to put up with something any longer:

常用例:Be fed 〜、become fed〜、Be fed up with〜

類義語:annoyed, discontented, or bored, cheesed off

I’m fed up with your conduct

She was fed up with their complaints.

I resigned because I was fed up.

Consumers are fed up with misleading food labels.

I’m fed up with hearing him say the same old thing every time we meet.

Some people are fed up with so much violence on television.

I’m fed up with her – she always keeps me waiting.

She was fed up with the frustrations of staying home all day

I’m fed up (with) waiting for him.

He had become fed up with city life.

Hang on

‘Hang on’ は単に ’待つ’という意味ですが、短い時間を表現する際に使います。

Conversation 1
a: “Are you ready to go yet?
b: “No, hang onwhile I find my keys.
a: “Ok, but hurry up!”

a: “出かける準備はもう出来た?”
b: “いや、鍵探しているからちょっと待って”
a: “OK,でも急いで!”

Pull someone’s leg


Conversation 1
Aussie: Did you know that those cockatoos attack humans?
Tourist: Really? (Scared)
Aussie: Nah! Just pulling your leg! (^^)

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